To scroll through photos use arrows on keyboard. Beacon Photography offers residential aerial photography, perfect for real estate listings or commercial developers. That include single estates and entire neighborhoods. Please call 617-848-8299 and ask for John Munson for more info.
We typically provide 20 or more photos per aerial assignment, 5 to 10 of the featured property and 15 or more of the neighborhood and town. A typical agreement, allows use all of these photos for an entire year, and then to renew use of the photos the following year would require an additional fee per photo.
RatesThe typical real estate aerial photography assignment is $500 for a single property, and $250 for each additional property. To renew usage of photos after the first year, it would be $30 per photo.
Special Rate: The special rate applies if you book an aerial shoot when we already have a flight scheduled and it is near my scheduled flight path. The special rate is $375 for one property and $200 per additional property. For example we will be flying this coming Monday morning.
If there is something else you had in mind, please call or email to discuss your needs.
The photos in this album were taken by John Munson of Beacon Photography. © John Munson
Beacon PhotographyPhone: (617) 848-8299
[email protected]Web:
Studio Address: 74 Jefferson St., Winthrop, MA 02152
Studio Hours: Monday to Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-3pm